Monday, September 1, 2014

Ohio Caverns

Ohio Caverns is one of the most uniquely beautiful places that I have visited. It is known as Americas most colorful cave. There a few different tours offered. My family and I opted for the Natural Wonders Tour. It was about a mile long, & lasted about an hour. This cave is filled with crystal stalagmites and stalactites of all shapes and sizes.

Created by water flowing through the limestone rock. The stalagmites & stalactites are pure & untouched. This part of the cave is named, The Garden of the Gods.

This is the largest crystal in the cave. It is called the king crystal. It is four feet long. It looks like a perfect carrot. The picture doesn't do it any justice. The size and clarity of this is much more impressive in real life.

The entrance to the cave.
It's all about exploring the world around you. You don't have to travel far to see things that are amazing. There are natural wonders all over this great country. It's a matter of finding them. The Ohio Caverns are about a 45 minute drive NW of Columbus. This visit is definitely worthy of a day trip.

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