Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why Ohio?

I am a military wife who has been living in Ohio for six months. I have been married to the military for fifteen years. My family and I have been stationed in California, Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, and now Ohio. Every time that we receive orders to move to a different state, the first thing that I want to know is, "What is there to do in the new place that we are getting ready to call home?" When I found out that we were moving to San Diego, California, the first thing that I thought of was, "The Beach!!!" Arizona is known for its beautiful hiking trails and amazing sunsets. When we lived in Georgia, I spent a lot of time in Savannah's down town historic district. When I told people that we were moving to Florida, everyone said, "Disney World!" When people found out that we were moving to Oklahoma, they responded with, "oh...tornadoes."
Every place that we have lived in is known for something that is unique to its own state. When I found out that we were leaving Oklahoma for Ohio, I didn't know what to think. I couldn't associate Ohio with anything cool or special. I quickly got on the internet and began researching the state of Ohio. I soon began to get super excited because of all of the neat things that I was finding. Ohio is an amazing state with a lot of great experiences to offer. It has caves, beaches, hiking, trendy neighborhoods, historic neighborhoods, festivals, amusement parks, and the list can easily continue. I almost feel like Ohio is one of this great countries best kept hidden secrets.
I soon created my own Ohio bucket list. I have spent my summer dragging my kids to a number of different places that I want to see. In the short six months that I have been here, I have already seen a lot. One of my friends recommended that I start a blog on all of the neat stuff that there is to do and see in Ohio (thanks Paulette). So here it is, my Ohio blog.
I am slowly falling in love with Ohio. I look forward to sharing all of my Ohio adventures with you. I hope that if you are from Ohio, I can help you appreciate all that your home state has to offer. If you have recently moved here, like me, I hope that I can get you excited about exploring all of the neat things that are here. If you have never been here, maybe I can convince you to make a trip out here.

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